about us
LABRATS International promotes the work of the Individuals and Organisations who represent the Atomic and Nuclear Test Communities across the world. Hundreds of thousands of people are directly affected by the Atomic and Nuclear testing program across the world.
Millions were exposed to fallout from the testing program and families suffer today from illness and deformities caused by the tests. We aim to provide information relating to the tests and expose the injustice of the Veterans who took part in the testing program. Many are no longer alive today. Families who suffer the consequences of the tests.
The participants of the testing program were lab rats or guinea pigs. Used in experiments to test the effects of Nuclear warfare, with no regard for the indigenous people, their lands or their lives.
Veterans, indigenous people, scientists, civilians have all died as a consequence of the tests, yet their stories remain unheard by the general population of the world. The worldwide testing program ran from 1945 until 2017 in North Korea.
LABRATS International gives these people a voice and allows their stories to be told, their stories are shocking, the exposure of the men, their subsequent lives, the lives of the children and their grandchildren. The devastation caused at the testing sites to the eco-systems and the land.
The ticking time bomb that is Runit dome, we must never forget what the tests did to this planet, how much destruction an atomic weapon has and the consequences for everyone involved.
By ensuring that no-one forgets the testing program, immortalising the survivors in video, podcasts and campaigning for recognition, we can ensure that the legacy of the tests continues. No-one should be a lab rat, it was a human experiment which continues to this day.
We are partnering with Organisations to help them with their awareness programs, Fundraising and ensuring that the message is received by governments across the World.
The team at LABRATS are all volunteers. Alan Owen is our driving force. Susan Musselwhite is our Media Manager and contact for any member of the family. Mel Owen is in charge of the company finances and shop. Eric Barton is our RECA representative and a Veteran of Operation Dominic.
LABRATS is registered as a Community Interest Company. LABRATS (LEGACY OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. RECOGNITION FOR ATOMIC TEST SURVIVORS) CIC. Company number: 12874772 on 12th September 2020.
how you can help
You can help LABRATS in many ways, supporting us is easy.
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Send us your story. We want to hear personal stories, either in written form, podcasts or videos. The most powerful stories are those told by the survivors, the people who are experiencing the effects of the testing program every day.
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Purchase items from our shop. Display our logo on badges, t-shirts, hoodies and caps.
Tell the world about the testing program, we need to ensure that the testing program is remembered.
Contact us by calling + 44 20 3286 3988