Blogs are completed by guest bloggers on a weekly basis. If you would like to submit an article to be published, please email Every one who is connected with the tests has a story, they need to be told. We would like to thank everyone for their support to the Atomic Family, it is much appreciated.
Mr Justice Foskett (Part three)
Mr Justice Foskett (Part two)
Mr Justice Foskett (Part One)
Chinese Nuclear Tests - Secrecy
French Nuclear Testing - History
Public Health England - The Statistics
Operation Buffalo - Why did the UK Government not learn from it's mistakes?
Experiences and Afterthoughts of Corporal Wilcox - M1927192
DDT and Radiation Exposure. Why they should not be combined when fighting Governments.
Human Experimentation - What lengths will governments go to
Medal Awards - Has the MoD now removed the Risk & Rigour Aspect?
Operation Dominic - The forgotten UK participants
The Damned - Everyone in the world should view this site.
Living Islands - Self Sufficient Pacific Islands
If the Isle of Man can pay, why can't the UK Government!
Enewetak Atoll Cleanup - The Forgotten Men who contained the radioactivity.
The Massey Study - Why was it Ignored?
Human Experimentation - to the Grave
UK Government Cover Up 2019
Why have the UK Government never compensated the Commonwealth servicemen present at Nuclear Tests?