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ES Files - Dosages

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

As per our previous blog, the ES Files are now restricted from view because of a Security Review. On such file is ES 5/148 entitled 'Report No. T11/57 - OPERATION BUFFALO - The Dose Received at Various Parts of the Body by a Man Walking over Contaminated Ground' by C.F Barnaby on the 8th March 1957.

Declassified by AWE Aldermaston

The summary of this document explains the reason for the document being produced:

1. The objectives of the research:

2. The Method:

You have to take into consideration, that the dummy was wearing full protective clothing.

3. The Results:

4. The Conclusion:

This conclusion is astonishing, the film badge recordings for the intestine and testicles are not accurately recorded. In fact, they received 40% more than was recorded by the chest dosimeter. These findings are incredible.

Who Knew?

All of the above people were issued a copy of this report. Including scientists, the Admiralty, the War Office, the Air Ministry, and the Home Office.

Unanswered Questions

Why did they continue to issue these dosimeters?

Why did the cloud sampling crews continue with these dosimeters when they are inaccurate?

Why has the government relied on these meter readings (and in fact taken an average of them), when they knew in 1957 that they were useless. Their own research showed they were useless at recording the actual dose. This is not a small percentage, the results show that the intestines and testicles dosage is 40% more than recorded by the meters.

We know that the meters were susceptible to heat damage, and water damage, but this research, buried for 66 years shows that they were highly inaccurate. War Pensions have been denied because of these meter readings when they knew in 1957 that they were inaccurate. No wonder, the UK Government do not want you to see these files, they prove what the veterans and their families have been campaigning for over 70 years, that they knew the consequences of the testing program, and covered it up. It is time to end the reliance on these reading, admit their failing and reform the war pension scheme for Nuclear Veterans.

A copy of this report has been sent to Johhny Mercer MP as Veteran's Minister for comment, we will await his reply.

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