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General Election 2024

On Polling day, the UK public has the chance to change the political landscape forever. Many polls put Labour 20 points ahead, with the Conservatives and Reform neck and neck, with the Liberal Democrats in 4th place.

But does it matter to the British Nuclear Veterans and their quest for truth and justice?

Many governments both Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem's have had a say in how we should treat our nuclear veterans, yet none have stood up to the Ministry of Defence and insisted that the nuclear veterans and their families have an apology and compensation.

Successive opposition leaders have promised to support veterans and once in power have decided not to fulfil the promises. Only Boris Johnson as Prime Minister has met officially with veterans and their families. Sir Keir Starmer was the first leader to meet with representatives and declare that 'your campaign is our campaign'.

But will he fulfil that promise? There was no mention of the Nuclear Veterans in the Labour manifesto, but there was mention of Hillsborough Law which would provide a duty of candour for public figures. A campaign that we are proud to be a member of.

We have great support from many political heavyweights such as Andy Burnham, Angela Raynor and John Healey, but is it enough?

Over decades, successive governments have promised to once and for all to investigate the nuclear veterans and to ensure that they receive the truth and compensation for their service. Yet 72 years since the first British detonation, it has never happened.

The #lookmeintheeye campaign fought hard for a medal, many (including those within the Nuclear Community) said it would never happen, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) would never award it, yet they have and we now have nearly 5,000 veterans and their families proudly wearing their medals. It took 6 years of extremely hard work and dedication to finally get the medal and it was after meeting Sir Keir Starmer and Boris Johnson that it accelerated and was finally awarded in November 2022.

At the National Memorial Arboretum in November 2022, Rishi Sunak stood and promised that he would support the Nuclear Veterans, he would meet with us to address our issues and review the evidence that we had uncovered. Yet despite 12 requests, he has refused to meet with us. Another Prime Minister who has failed the Nuclear Veterans. Despite personal letters from veterans and public videos from descendants, he has ignored us.

Stating that due to diary pressures, it would not be possible for him to meet with us. We delivered a petition to Number 10 Downing street, with personal messages, he has not even acknowledged it. Nothing, no response. He is not interested.

The Veterans Minister (Johnny Mercer MP) was presented with the evidence at a meeting with our founder Alan Owen, over 200 pages of evidence. He skimmed the file for 20 seconds and then said 'If you think you have a case, then I suggest you sue the Ministry of Defence'.

What use is a Veterans Minister who will not help Veterans, will not instigate talks between the MOD and representatives, who then blocked us and many other veterans and descendants on Social Media. He has not responded to any of our correspondence since that meeting in 2023. He claims the UK is the best place to be a veteran, it certainly isn't if you are a Nuclear Veteran.

We questioned the Labour Party about their intentions if they came into power, this is their response:

“Britain's nuclear test veterans are heroes who paved the way for our UK nuclear deterrent. Keir Starmer was the first party leader ever to meet NTVs and Labour is proud to have backed their campaign for recognition.

“In Government, we will continue to meet Nuclear Test Veterans and work with them to deal with their concerns.”

Remember that statement. If you have a Labour MP on the 5th of July, email them and remind them of this promise. We have worked hard over many years to get truth and justice, losing many great campaigners along the way, most recently Ken McGinley, the founder of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association back in 1983. These men have gone to their graves without an apology, without the truth about their exposure.

There is mounting pressure from other organisations on the Ministry of Defence, the Post Office and Infected Blood scandals show that through campaigning, you can uncover the truth. It is time to end Britain's longest running scandal in 2024. The Ministry of Defence are hiding many secrets, so many scandals lay at their door.

Is Keir Starmer a man of his word? Rishi Sunak promised us Integrity and Honesty, but he lied to us. We have great hope that Keir Starmer will stand up to the officials at the MOD and instigate a fast track one year inquiry to end this scandal once and for all. We know the truth, we know just how big the scandal is, alongside other scandals the MOD has covered up for decades.

Our message to our next Prime Minister.

'Meet with us and listen to us.

Do not ignore us or block us.

Remember your promises and ensure that you fulfil those promises.

Be the first PM to end this scandal.'

Only time will tell if they have the courage to stand up and be counted, our brave veterans crouched with their backs to the blast, stood up and watched the deadliest of man's creations, it is time for you to stand up Prime Minister and apologise to them. Be a man of integrity.

Watch our RAT CHAT Election special which aired on 2nd July 2024 with Susie Boniface, Steve Purse and Alan Owen.

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