Report by Ralph Killoran
In the summer of 2019, the abandoned federal weather station at Fort Reliance was totally demolished ending a 30-year environmental remediation cleanup. The cleanup took place over two phases, 1989 - 1995 and 2012 - 2019 and outwardly was caused due petroleum, lead soil and water contamination.
However, the environmental damage was much greater than the initial 1989 - 1995 studies and reports indicated and the secrecy of the project was no doubt to keep the sickened staff unaware of the truth on how badly they were being cheated.
In 2007 I put an environmental petition to the Office of the Auditor General Canada seeking answers to Fort Reliance's remediation cleanup and closure. The federal Departmental Ministers responding to my petition kept the site's hazards at minimum levels which only reinforces my beliefs that such a major cleanup was done in corruption.
A third contaminant, Beta emitting ionizing radiation was unintentionally reported during Fort Reliance's remediation cleanup. In the 1989 samples taken at the facility's lake shoreline Beta radiation had been analyzed and again this Beta radiation was analyzed within the site's 1993 soil samples. The only possible source of Fort Reliance's ionizing beta radiation could be Cosmos 954 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics nuclear satellite that node up in January 1978 over Great Slave Lake during its reentry into Canada.
Fort Reliance in the ensuing recovery project "Operation Morning Light" became one of two restricted areas off limits to anyone without authorization. The military became the commanding federal department early during Operation Morning Light until the debris fields became known and then the Atomic Energy Control Board took the leadership role.
Lieutenant Colonel Bialosh, the Yellowknife On-Scene-Commander, spent a large amount of his time travelling to and from Fort Reliance during his time in Yellowknife. As a military engineering officer, it would be a reasonable assumption that he was reopening the abandoned army buildings at Fort Reliance that were back then kept in cold storage. These buildings adjacent to the federal weather station were insulated offering electric lighting and heat. The weather station would offer many luxuries such as running hot and cold water, proper kitchens and work areas that were not available at Camp Garland the military campsite constructed posthaste.
In 1978 during Operation Morning Light, secrecy regarding Fort Reliance could be understood and accepted. But this understanding and acceptance would absolutely not apply in 1989 when Fort Reliance was known to be contaminated and staff known to be poisoned.
In the Fort Reliance 1993 "Personnel Interviews" environmental statements by the present and past managers as well as the facility's neighbours, not one interview makes a mention of the nuclear satellite Cosmos 954 and its radiation.
I put more blame on my medical injuries on the false statement made by those of my acquaintance than I do on the strangers who were responsible for Cosmos 954 debris recovery and cleanup, medical claims, settlement and the health risk assessment.
Ralph Killoran
Summary of Personnel Interviews (Environmental Statements, Fort Reliance Managers and Neighbours).
DND File 296 NDHQ Yellowknife OP LOG Air Command
Number 153 - Page 25 - Jan 28 @ 1930 - LCol Garland, possible find 62.50/05 North 109.33 West, not for press release.
Number 157 - Page 25 - Jan 28 @ 2320 - B OPs Ed for Sgt. Ferguson, pick up 2 trustworthy NCOs, search Area 1, all gear concealed.
Number 163 - Page 26 - Jan 28 @ 0230 - MAJ. Barnes to SGT. Ferguson, Fort Reliance, normal sampling, not to wear Radom Suites.
Number 169 - Page 27 - Jan 28 @ 0525 - Twin Otter Yellowknife to depart 0720, Sgt. Ferguson and 2 radman to Fort Reliance, Ron Cattling and Cpl. Patterson to Warden's Grove.
Number 206 - Page 32 - Jan 29 @ 0050 - Called Sgt Grady in to act as Escort/Bodyguard/MP for AECB pers to meet 802.
Number 218 - Page 33 - Jan 29 @ 0240 - We have authority by Solicitor General to put army troops in Warden's Grove area. Will remain until replaced by RCMP.
Number 228 - Page 34 - Jan 29 @ 0500 Orders arranged for AC 802 to Ft Reliance - Security Team to Consist of WO MacEachern, Sgt Grady, 2 RCMP.
Number 242 - Page 36 - Jan 30 @ 1510 Event: ________ (Reliance Met Tech) called requesting ride into Reliance if possible. Action: Call 3-6113 or Aeradio if space avail.
Number 251 - Page 37 - Jan 30 @1704 - 801 airborne enroute Snowdrift.
Number 254 - Page 37 - Jan 30 @ 1759 - 15 pers stand by for security and/of transport ops, LCol Bialosh to be advised on return from Reliance.
Number 258 - Page 38 - Jan 30 @ 1850 - LCol Bialosh, Chinook U/S team to area 1, Twin Huey AC and Twin Otter 802.
Number 259 - Page 38 - Jan 30 @ 1855 - LCol Bialosh, 6 pax and 300 lbs freight to Reliance T/O at 1250 hrs.
Number 261 - Page 38 - Jan 30 @2020 - Received call Cpl Paterson (NAST) re inspection of Snowdrift, they recorded no radiation.
Number 305 - Page 42 - Jan 31 @ 2010 - Notam on Reliance area 5000 ft or lower is restricted.
Number 22 - Page 44 - Jan 31 @ 0136 - Capt. Barr recovered dangerous cargo Fort Reliance.
Number 41 - Page 46 - Feb 01 @ 1832 - contacted Ron Calling to arrange son's return to Reliance via CH 147.
Number 386 - Page 50 - Feb 02 @ 1506 - OSC advised to hold one Twin Otter as breakup to resupply Reliance/Baker.
Number 768 - Page 93 - Feb 10 @ 0330 - 133 is to cleanup in Reliance after Snowdrift is Snowdrift can be cleaned first.
Number 814 - Page 98 - Feb 13 @ 0231 - CH 135 133 to Reliance for final cleanup that area.
Number 969 - Page 114 - Feb 19 @ 0015 - 3 lead pipes delivered too Reliance.
Number 217 - Page 138 - Feb 28@ 2050 - CF5107 Cosmos - Ft Rel - ZF ETA 0030Z. 3 crew 4 scientists.
Number 509 - Page 164 - Mar 21 @ 2030 - civilians passengers permitted military rides Cosmos Lake - Fort Reliance.
DND File 301 Operation Morning Light Edmonton Command Post Log 24 Jan 78 - 16 Apr 78
Date Jan 29/78 number 85 L/Col Bialosh to CP Wishes clarification of your plan for his group at Ft Relance in the AM. His understanding is that AECB personnel are to be taken to the region of the hot spots by CH147 for air sampling and further action.
Date Jan 29/78 91 (2) L/Col Bialosh to CP C138 to drop off people at Fort Reliance to do contamination analysis and carry on to Warden's Grove. (Note if personnel contaminated - decontamination to be carried out on site.)
Date Jan 29/78 96 ABC Press to CP requests clearance to Fort Reliance - Refused - no civil A/C to go to FL (Confidential).
Date Jan 29/78 104 NRHQ L/Col Bialosh - Fort Reliance surveyed, houses, people, snow mobiles, read negative radioactivity.
Date Feb 01/78 166 NR Commd to CP Twin Otter 807 to hot spots Fort Reliance and survey.
Date Feb 01/78 166 NR Commd to CP Twin Otter 802 OS Commd with Press to Ft Reliance, Hit Area and looks for trappers.
Date Apr 04/78 748 Capt. Bryson AIRCOM OPS Re particles found in Fort Reliance and Fort Smith, if so, how many? {Action} LCol Davidson spoke & Passed same info to Aircom.
DND File 295 Air Command Operations Director - Morning Light - Daily Log 24 Jan 78 - 07 Apr 78
Jan 27 1920z ED CP Maj Barnes MOT Civ Air Regs Insp Don Abott advised that the Press is pushing on NOTAMs. Recommends a DND NOTAM to be issued by ED. Will reduce Restricted Area somewhat to permit some Freedom Of Movement.
Jan 28 2400z (Jan 29 0000z) Called NDOC to discuss release of info re Area 1. Not yet to be released due to possible flap resulting in Fort Reliance.
Feb 1 1821z Telcom NDOC/ED CP. Relayed Personnel Details. Up to now CDN Mil 243 total (only op Morning Light Pers Direct Involvement). DDN Civ: 6 RCMP, 4 EMR, 4 AECB. US 180 total. It is also anticipated that up to 100 CF Pers will be required to augment teams in site at Warden's Grove, Fort Reliance. Air Head will be estab at Warden's Grove.
Feb 25 1900z DComd call for conversation with VCDS to advise that MND is aware of extended area of fine grid (ash) south and west of area 10. Minister wants all communities along south shore Great Slave Lake revisited.(must appear to be routine Ops) Above entry discussed with LCol Davidson, flo plan is in effect.
Feb 27 xxxxz Cosmos Lake Population Total 104.
Feb 28 1650z Revised population of Cosmos Lake as of 28 Feb 82 people.
Mar 2 @ 1400z Satellite Terminal and Sensor Equip Required ASAP. ED - Called Capt. DeRose.
File 297 National Defence Operational Centre (NDOC) OP LOG 24 Jan - 07 Feb 1978
Page 29 @ 290015 Capt Dick US Navy ATTACH past on INFO from ______ to VCDS. Believes primary Hit at 109.50 W / 63.17 N and trailing piece at 108.15 W / 63.38 N. Log INFO and treat source in CONFD VIS dissemination to gen public. Consider letter of appreciation later if INFO reasonably accurate and considered appropriate. Please provide me with brief prior to 1715 Hrs local
DND File 293 Operation Morning Light - RCMP General Data
Jan 30 10:30 AM - 04:00 PM - Fort Reliance Patrol CPL Larry Greber to notify people in area of possible danger.