During the atomic weapon tests at Monte Bello in May and June 1956 (Operation MOSAIC), in which H.M.S. DIANA participated as 'Fallout Observation Ship', opportunity was taken to conduct a number of ad-hoc trials to investigate the radiological hazards caused by fall-out to machinery spaces and machinery.
Owing chiefly to the paucity of fallout encountered, these trials were not all successful, but a number of important conclusions can be drawn from those that were, and a large number of lessons learnt for the future.
The principal conclusions are:
That fall-out can and will enter the intakes of boilers and of running ventilation systems in large quantities, of which very little if any leaves the ship.
2. That the resulting contamination is mainly loose, that is, easily transferred to the lungs and stomach, and must therefore be considered a hazard even though the external dose rate is very low. No test equipment is in service, and little doctrine exists on this hazard.
3. Proper decontamination of machinery spaces is impracticable.
4. Seawater contamination from fall-out may linger at or near the surface for some time. It is therefore impracticable to avoid all contamination of evaporators in existing ships simply by stopping them whenever fall-out is suspected.
Of the lessons learnt, a number concern the operation of the Radiac Instruments under more or less action conditions, and may therefore be considered important for the future. Others concern the conduct of any similar operations in which contamination may be encountered, and may therefore be important for any ships supporting atomic weapons tests in future, in whatever capacity.
Let's look at the facts:
In 1956, the hazards of inhalation of fallout to the lungs and stomach were well documented.
It was documented that the ship's machinery and spaces could not be properly decontaminated.
It was also documented that the seawater used for decontamination was itself contaminated.
It is also documented that the fall-out enters the ship and very little if any leaves the ship.
This abstract comes from an 80-page report which we will be published in its entirety over the next few months.
The UK Government used the crew of H.M.S Diana as Guinea Pigs, Lab Rats, the evidence is undeniable. The hazards of inhalation of radioactive material, coupled with the document which stated to use older men if possible is disgraceful. The Ministry of Defence and the UK Government know the truth, we know the truth, it is time for recognition.
What was done to these men is wrong, their lives changed forever, their families lives changed forever.
Support us by subscribing to our magazine (ATOM) on our website. We rely on your support to continue our fight for recognition. We are the only organisation campaigning in the UK for Nuclear Veterans and their families.
View SMOKE AND MIRRORS, above, for information about a parallel American radiation experimentation of US military non-volunteers.
It tells the truth,it tells everything that our people have suffered,you can't hide the truth.