The Roll of Honour is dedicated to nuclear veterans across the world who have not made it this far. The Roll of Honour will stand to ensure that no nuclear veteran is ever forgotten. You can add a name by completing the form on this page.

United Kingdom
Sgt. John Smith - 1984
John H Benson
Raymond Barrow - 1988
John Booth
David Ernest Bow - 2013
John Brothers
Anthony John Butler
Norman Callender - 2001
Mick Clark - 1992
James Cocker
John Condon
Eric Denson - 1976
Andrew Dickson - 2006
Dr Stuart Ellis
Edward Fagan
Bob Fleming
Jack Fowler - 2005
John Gellender - 1992
Kenneth Gower - 2016
Joseph Gregg - 1988
Royston Grigg - 2001
John Hall
Michael Harris - 1995
Thomas Jewitt
Kenneth Jones - 1989
Charles Keeley - 1978
Roy Kirkland - 2004
Gordon Allen Lowe
Brian Mavin
Billy Morris
Keith Morris - 2009
Edward Muir - 2004
Harry Norton
Eric Ogden - 2004
R. Eslor
Alastair Findlay
Peter Finucane
John Fisher
Derrick French
Alfred Gardner
S. Garrett
Bernard Geoghan
Hugh Gettings
William Goldsmith
G.J.P Graham
Jack Graham
Joseph Greavey
J. Green
William Grigsby
W.E Harding
P. Overton
G.P. Page
Robert Parry
Hugh Paterson
Alan Penny
P.N. Phillips
Charles Plank
Raymond Platt
Raymond Pollard
Stuart Pountney
Robert Presdee
Albert Preval
Raymond Pynegar
William Rettie
Norman Robertson
Robert Rolfe
Victor Rudland
R.D. Secretan
Harold Shaw
Philip Squire
Roy Stewart
Jim Stewart
Tom Mallett
Tommy Gladstone
George Toon
Cryil Irwin
Colin Batchelor
Colin Hardy
Percy Edward Hills (BEM)
Ernie Howard
Michael Davison
Bryan Sharpe
Ronald Cassidy
Ernest Murray
James Devon Patterson
Vernon Pilgrim
Leslie Thomas
John Alistair Forman
Jeffrey Kavanagh
Frederick Barker
Cpl. Dennis Ottewell
Michael Conrad Baylis
(William) John Barker
Anthony Ferguson
Frederick Callender
James Alexander McGill
Ian Hempsall
Arthur Henry Vine
Clive Ellis
George Albert Thompson
David Davies
Kenneth Baker
Cyril J Collins
Clive Littlewood
David John Perston
Ronald J Child
Tony Aley
Colin Lingley
John Unwin
John Dennis Waldron
James Ronald Owen - 1994
David Owen - 1998
Alan Pickering
Stephen Pooley - 1996
William Pope
Paul Ah Poy
Roy Sefton
Roy Prescott
David Purse
Oliver Richmond - 2015
Pita Rokaratu - 2012
Derek Scott
Denis Shaw - 2015
Alan Simpson - 2008
Bert Sinfield - 2007
Barry Smith - 2009
Derek Spackman - 2000
Donald Thomas
Derrick Thompson - 2001
Fred Toms - 2003
David Trinder - 1988
Marris Vessey - 2000
Denis Waldron
Harry White
Joe Pasquini
Walter Wood - 2010
John Woodman - 1997
Frank Worth - 1993
George Young - 2018
Syd Harris - 2018
Sydney Parkyn
Derek Redfern
Campbell Waddell
John Allen
Raymond Harness
John Harrison-Broadley
Edgar Haynes
T.F. Healy
Alan Hillman
George Hinkley
T.L. Hinson
K.H. Houghton
George Hughes
Cyril Ireland
Bob Ireland
Peter Keegan
W. Kenyon
Jim Cooper
Alan Knapper
L.G. Knight
George Taylor
Leonard Terry
John Thomson
Peter Thorogood
Harry Tindall
V.G. Townsend
Frank Tucker
D.A. Turner
W.F. Turner
Leonard Warner
David Watkins
G.A. Welch
W. White
Ernest Whitelock
Peter Whittle
John Wilkinson
F. Wilshire
Edward Wilson
Peter Wilson
Joseph Woof
David Woolgar
William Ladd
Kenneth Bodie
Derek Redman
Jack Rogers
Frank Clayton
Terry O'Keefe
Robert Bruce
Kenneth North
John Noble
Karl Richard Griffith
Raymond Whitehead
John Robinson
Frederick Harwood
Alan Lake
Michael Huscroft
David Thomas Field
Roger Francis
Philip Murfitt
Thomas (Paddy) Downes
Raymond Taylor
Peter Wadsworth
Colin David Aldous
James A Baxter
Ivan (Nobby) Hall
Ernest Buckley
Thomas Vincent Cootes
Peter Brock
Edward Dickinson
Alan Ward Bygate
Harold Burgin
John Simmons
Kenneth Baker
John Stroud
Ernest William Murray
James Milligan
Timoci Lalanabaravi Lala
Eric Charles Blogg
George Radbourne
Lawrence Mottram
Redvers Angwin
Sidney Arkell
Albert Armstrong
Douglas Ashelford
John Barnes
M B Basey
Harold Benge
Norman Blackburn
Geoffrey Blower
S.P Bolton
Peter Boothby
Frederick Broughton
Harry Brown
L.G. Brown
R. Bryant
John Burke
Peter Catterson
Henry Carlton
Kenneth Charney
D. Chubb
F. Clayton
William Compton
D. Connell
Ronald Cross
Robert Crow
Stuart Cull
Ernest Davis
Vivian Day
B.J. Delacoe
Eric Done
Harold Dovey
Samuel Downing
Frederick Dyke
P.M. Eldridge
Ronald Lacey
William Ladd
E. Lamerton
John Langlois
T.A. Lawrence
Philip Lloyd
Francis McCann
K.H. McCormack
Henry McLaughlin
Murdo Macleod
George M'Ghie
Cecil Mabbett
Andrew Mack
Kenneth Maddison
U.E. Matthews
W. Mears
Kenneth Measures
Bertram Miles
James Milne
R.A. Moulton
John Newman
James Newton
J.B. Nicell
G.S. Norman
R.F Woolven
John Wyvill
R.F. Yeo
Brian Mavin - 2005
David E Kidd
Ronald Albert Wood
Edward Nice
Roger Kingston
John Cooper
Sidney Arkell
John Henry
David Smith
David Bow
Ernest Pring - 2006
Keith Bernard Hoffman - 2015
Colin Charles Barber
Francis (Frank) Bele
Roy Bramwell
John Robinson
Raymond Stainer
John Thomas Cochrane
John Miller
Alan Trevor Summerell
Peter Parkin
Ahipara (Dick) Hawae
Stuart Wigg
Denis Greenwood
Thomas Michael Carthy
Edward Dickinson
John White
Brian Plant
Leonard Caldwell
Geoffrey Jenkins
Martin Dagg
Gordon Franks
David Iori Davies
Geoffrey Holgate
Laurence Stanley Sandford
William-Colquhoun Hunter
Robert Tennant
Henry Carl Abraham
Bernard Varty
Brian Trudgill
John Marshall Hall
Albert Goble
David Rea
Peter Hardy
John Reeves
John Malcolm Davies
Owen McMahon
Keith Ayres
Peter Brock
United States
Earl Surgi
Duane E Akers
John Shartzer
Shelby Campbell (Operation Hardtack 1 - 1958)
Edward Kohn (Operation Tumbler-Snapper - 1952)
Patrick D.K. Smith
John Francis (Desert Rock VII)
Sgt Charles Cresson (Operation Redwing)